How Positive Self-Talk can Change Your Life

2 min

How Positive Self-Talk can Change Your Life

“Nah, that’s too hard.”

“I don’t think this is gonna work.”

“I can’t, I should do something else.”

Sounds familiar?

What you think and say to yourself everyday is who you are.

You see, words have energy. And positive self-talk has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve anything you desire.

Now pay attention.

Read the list of words below and think about how they made you feel:

  1. Farmer
  2. Nazi
  3. Old lady
  4. Puppy

If you noticed,

‘Farmer’ evokes emotion of hard-work

‘Old lady’ an emotion of respect,

‘Puppy’ evokes cute and loving,

But the word ‘Nazi’ evokes feeling of hate and fear.

Just like the above examples, the words you say to yourself also evoke emotions inside your brain.

Now these emotions are so subtle that your conscious mind may not notice them, but your subconscious mind registers each and every one.

And the knowledge of how you can use it in your favor can completely turn your life around.

The Psychology of Positive Self-talk

Your subconscious registers what you think and say to yourself everyday.

The thoughts and words you repeat the most become your beliefs.

And our beliefs fuel our actions.

Your body is a highly sophisticated machine. What you put in is what you get out.

So if you believe you’re lucky, you’ll start seeing patterns of luck everywhere in your life. And if you believe you’re unlucky, that’s what manifests in your life.

And you can manifest anything your want without effort, if you know the right way.

Beliefs force your subconscious to make your actions congruent with those beliefs.

And you don’t even need to do anything, the whole process happens on its own.

The key here is to be Aware of your self-talk.

Whenever you catch yourself getting negative or overthinking, replace those thoughts with positive thinking.

Even saying a small thing like “I’m gonna have a good day” can activate a positive cycle inside your brain.

Simple affirmations like:

– I’m enough.
– I’m worthy of love.
– I deserve success and happiness.

Can bring about big changes in your life.

Whether you’re alone or with friends, never ever talk or think negatively about yourself.

Remember that your subconscious is always listening. So make sure you give it only what you want in your life.

Here’s a simple way to do it

  • Make a list of your negative self-talk.
  • Write them down one by one.
  • Replace each one of them with a positive sentence.

That how simple it is.

You can also make use of affirmations. Write down in specific words what you want in your life.

Remember the key here is to be very, very specific.

If you would like learn how to do it, I’d suggest you should read my book.

These affirmations and positive self talk will force your subconscious to create a reality that’s a reflection of your beliefs.

A reality of success, peace, happiness, health, wealth and wisdom.
