How to Connect with Your True Self as an Introvert

3 min

They tell you to connect with more people.

They tell you to be more social.

They tell you to do things that you don’t even care about. 


But, let me ask you this:

Is that who you are?

Does that feel right in your heart?


No. Because that’s not how you operate. That’s not how your reality works.

You feel that pain, that emptiness because you’re completely disconnected  from your true self.

And when you truly understand who you are and connect back with your true self, it will change your life around.


Let me explain how.


How to connect with your true self

Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to your favorite people?

Writers, singers, actors, influencers.

What is so different about them?

I mean they are human beings just like you and me, but still they’ve got millions of people who respect them and admire them.

Why is that?

The simplest answer is they are connected to their true selves.

They are authentic. Real.

They don’t copy others. They don’t seek validation. They don’t act under obligation of any kind.

We love them and admire them for who they are.

In the same way, you too have something genuine inside you. Something that is pure and authentic.

And connecting with your true self means aligning yourself with your own true essence.

To talk like you.

To act like you.

To be like you.

And it all starts with embracing yourself. Not trying to be like someone else but to completely and wholly accept your own true personality.

Every book, guru, and self-help material out there teaches you the opposite.

That you have to do something to become who you are.

That you have to change yourself.

That you have to work hard on yourself.

A fish doesn’t try to fly like a bird in the sky.

And a bird never tries to swim like a fish in the water.

Nature made them different. And nature gave them the skills to compliment their personalities.

All you have to do is to discover your own gifts. And not by changing yourself, but by studying yourself.


Here’s how you can accomplish that:

Study yourself

As an introvert, self-observation comes naturally to you.

Study your own actions.

Study your triggers.

Study your reactions to different situations.

This knowledge of the self will give you the power to act consciously. You won’t react blindly as a slave of your compulsion, but will act rationally while keeping the consequences in mind.

Taking conscious action will not only bring you peace and happiness, but will also give you total control over mind, emotions, and your whole life.


Meditate for 10 minutes daily

Meditation teaches you how to pause before you act.

Sitting everyday with yourself brings you closer to your own being. It helps you see what is true and what is false.

It helps you to watch your thoughts without letting them force you to act on them. It gives you a deeper understanding of the fact that you are not your thoughts, but only an observer.

And when you learn to watch your thoughts without getting identified with them, on an unconscious level, you connect to your true self. 


Do one thing everyday that makes you feel like you

We are nothing but what we do everyday.

And when you understand this simple but profound statement, you learn the secret of transcending to the highest version of yourself. 

The things that make you real & authentic are the things that bring you peace. A sense of wholeness to your being. 

It could be anything. 

A long walk in the woods.

Creating art, painting, sketching, journaling.

Listening to music. 

Or just staring at a wall. 

It’s not about what it is, it’s about how it makes you feel. 

And the more you spend time doing what you love, the deeper it connects you with your true self.


And that’s all there is you need to align with your true self as an introvert. 


And always remember that you don’t have to overcomplicate it. 

Life is simple, my friend. And as we grow, you understand that it’s always the little things that matter most.


So promise yourself today that you’ll stop “working” on yourself.

The wisdom is knowing that real growth starts not by working or forcing, but by surrendering. 


And with patience, self-love and kindness to yourself, eventually, everything  falls into the right place. 

