How Introverts can Discover their Inner Genius

3 min

You are a genius.

Master, are you kidding me?

Me? A genius? Really???


I have a job.
I’m a student.
I’m a housewife.

I’m this, that, or the other.

How can I be a genius?

Yes, my friend, you are. And by the end of this letter, you shall believe it too.

There is a hidden genius inside every introvert. Each and every one of you possess some extraordinary skill. Nature has created us all equally. It gave all humans two hands, ears, eyes, sense organs, and a mind to think.

But the only thing that makes us different from each other are the ideas in our heads.

Ideas that were sowed into your mind in your childhood. Without your permission. Without caring whether you even need them.

By the time you reach the age of 7, your subconscious mind is fully developed.

Which simply means that whatever way it has been programmed, that’s what is going to decide how you think, how you feel, how you act, and perceive your reality.

These ideas are your core beliefs about yourself and the world.

Who are you.
How to live your life.
How to treat people.
How to earn a living.

And a million other things that dominate your daily life.

Let’s say, if you were born into a poor family. You may grow up with the core belief that getting rich is very hard. In fact, it’s impossible.

If you were born into a very religious family, it may limit your spiritual growth. Because you’re forced to believe what’s written in the religious books and never question it.

But you see, you are a genius.

Now what I call genius is not you, or your name, or your body. It’s the instrument that is inside you.

And that instrument is your MIND.

But as you can understand from the above two examples, culture, society, and your family environment create an imaginary limit inside your own mind.

These limits hold you back from reaching your highest potential and experiencing the genius inside you.

But I can promise you, despite your environment and conditioning, it’s still possible to break out of these chains that limit your mind and start walking on the path of higher intelligence.

Here’s how.

The art of self-inquiry

Imagine your mind is like an onion.

The outer layers are your conditioned core beliefs fed to you in your childhood. And at the center of the onion lies your inner-genius.

Now your purpose is to peel off these outer layers. Gently, slowly, one by one.

And as you keep on peeling layer after layer, you’ll experience temporary states of awakening.

Here, an ‘awakening’ simply refers to an experience that helps you understand yourself from a completely new perspective. An insight that helps you see yourself in a new light.

For example,

You may get an insight like – how you feel inside is what you see outside. Which means your inner thoughts manifest your outer reality.

This may help you to totally detach yourself from your current circumstances and make you realize that you can change your circumstances just by changing your thoughts.

Now the biggest problem that you may face is:

“Where do I start?”

And the answer is – start by questioning what you know to be true about yourself.

The art of self-inquiry means the practice of asking the right questions. When you ask the right questions, you start getting closer to the truth.

Your truth.

You can start with simple questions like:

Who am I?
What do I want?
Why do I want what I want?
What is the truth?

And trust me, once you start, it’s impossible to stop.

This practice is so addictive that until the mind gets an answer, it will not stop.

Because as I explained in the last newsletter, the nature of the mind is to chase something. In every moment, all it wants is to chase.

And it’s your responsibility to give it something worth chasing.

Give it the task of finding your inner-genius.
Give it the task of wiping off everything that is false inside you.
Give it the task of finding the truth.

But you have to be patient. Be gentle to yourself. You may not get all the answers right away. Sometimes you will drift away into unknown lands. But keep going, it’s all part of the whole inquiry.

I have asked “Who am I” to myself at least a thousand times at different points in my life. Everytime I asked it, I got a different answer. I kept on going deeper and deeper. Removing layers after layers after layers.

And I still don’t know if what I know is the truth, but what I do know is I’m way more peaceful, wise, intelligent, and centered than when I first started.

There is something very powerful about this whole process.

It removes who you are not and gets you closer and closer to your true self.

It makes you whole. And finally, it helps you discover your inner-genius.

Your core.

Your essence.

Your absolute self.

