How Introverts can Master Procrastination

3 min


That’s the one word that has destroyed your dreams.

And this word is especially dangerous for an introverted person.

You know why?

Because you are a thinker. Your mind is super active. Highly intelligent.

And if you don’t know how to control your mind, it will come up with a million creative reasons to NOT DO IT.


But, you know you have to do it.

You know it’s important.

Every cell inside your body knows that you need to start right away.


But, you just can’t get over this internal resistance.

And I can bet you have read hundreds of articles, twitter threads, and watched hours and hours of youtube videos… but nothing works.

What is it?

What is this “thing” that holds you back from taking action.


You know you have to hit the gym to lose those pounds.

You know you have to start a side business to quit your job.

You know you have to clean your room to feel more productive.


But you always have “tomorrow”.


And you may get motivated for a week or two, but again you’re back at square one.

How do you stop this never ending toxic circle?

And let me warn you,

If you try to force it, it’s not gonna happen.

If you try to find clever ways and psychology hacks, it’s not gonna happen.

The only way to put an end to this pattern of procrastination is a deep understanding of the “WHY”.

Let me explain how you can stop procrastination permanently.



Why do you procrastinate?

Let me ask you a simple question.

If I take you into a river and force your head under water, what are you going to do?

Are you going to tell yourself,


“Ah, whatever, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

Absolutely not.

It’s a matter of life and death.

You’re going to use every last drop of energy you have to force yourself out and fight for that one breath that can save your life.

In simpler terms, you have no choice but to fight your way out of water.

But in life, you never encounter such a situation. Do you?


It’s never a matter of life and death.

It’s never a threat to your survival.

You always have tomorrow to start.


And the sad truth is that “tomorrow” never comes.

But what if you start seeing it as a threat to your survival.

What if I told you that there is a way that could automatically and effortlessly make you act.

Right now.

Here’s how:


The secret to ending procrastination forever

When I started writing this newsletter, I used to feel an enormous amount of resistance.

I just couldn’t get myself to sit at my desk and start writing.

I started thinking about it on Wednesday, and then came Thursday, still two more days to go.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, and finally it was Sunday.

Now it was a matter of survival.

It was a matter of self-respect. What will my audience think? I had to keep my promise.

So, finally, I forced myself to sit at my desk.

But some Sundays were busy, I had plans, meetings, sessions, and other things.

And it used to completely drain my soul.

And one day, I told myself,


“We have to fix this”.

And after a very long phase of contemplation, I finally figured it out.

The secret.

The method that helped to schedule my newsletter by Tuesday or Wednesday.

And trust me, it was effortless.

And this is something that can help you end procrastination for real.


No effort.

No forcing.

No planning.

No hacks.

No routines.

No schedules.



Just pure simple understanding.


And I call this secret: JUST TRY

Just try????

What is that supposed to mean?


Is this a joke?

Certainly not, my friend.

In fact, this is the most powerful secret that can help you break the spell of “tomorrow”.

Let me explain.


Look, the thing is the mind hates what you force.

Resistance is nothing but the act of doing something against the wishes of your mind.

The mind wants to be in a state of calm. Tranquility. Effortlessness.



And the moment you try to force anything on it, it will resist.


No matter how important it is.

No matter how badly you want it.

If it’s not a matter of life and death, the mind is not going to act.

So, the only option we have is to charm it.

Gently. Softly.

You have to manipulate it. Tell it it’s not that important.

All we are doing is: just trying.




When you self-talk yourself into believing that it’s not something you are forcing, but just trying, the mind drops the walls of resistance.


Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Don’t act like a dictator.

Don’t use big words like “self-discipline”.


Instead, be gentle on yourself.

And when your mind believes that’s it’s something you’re just trying.

It feels like it’s not a “big deal”.

And the mind SUBMITS.


It says “ok fine, we’re just tying it”.

What’s the worst that can happen?




And that, my friend, is the whole secret.

This is the point at which you have gained control of your mind.

This is the moment you convince your mind to act according to your wishes.


Don’t “try”.

Don’t force.

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Just try.

And I promise you, the mind will yield to your wishes.


