How to Harness The Power of Intuition

2 min

The Power of Intuition

Intuition is the whisper of the soul.

– Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sometimes you just know that you know.


Ever heard people say,

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“He/she gonna break up with me.”

“This will work, I know.”


Without reason.

Without logic.

Without proof.

We just know.


It’s the power of intuition.

There’s a reason why it’s called the sixth sense. It’s subtle compared to the other sense organs, but it’s way more powerful.

Intuition is the power of knowing.

And if you can understand what it is and learn how to use it, it can change your life forever.

Here are some tips you can use in daily life to harness the power of intuition.

Listen to your body

You  body has intelligence.

Your conscious mind may miss it, but your body is soaking up each and everything thing you experience.

And it remembers.

What made you sad.

What made you happy.

What turns you on.

What turns is off.

And in this way it creates a map of your emotions based on your experiences.

And the moment you’re in the same circumstances, the body sends you a sign.

It could be an uneasy feeling, racing heart, nervousness.

This is the sign you need to get out and save yourself from another unpleasant experience.


Don’t rationalize everything

The mind is a bunch of interconnected loops of information.

And it works on the principles of cause and effect.

Even if it doesn’t know, it will still try to provide you with a reason to make sense of an experience.

And the reason is based on the limited information stored inside your head.

Remember this: your mind doesn’t know everything.

There are always some things that are outside of your experience, and this is where your intuition takes over.

Don’t let your mind try to fight and rationalize what your intuition already knows.

Sometimes it’s better to leave your reasons and flow with that inner voice.


The Secret of intuition

When you use your mind to choose anything, you’re bound to get confused.


Because the mind uses reason.

One man likes the taste of apples and the other man may hate them.

How can you reason and choose whether apples taste good or bad?

Reason is subjective. It changes with people.

When the mind is in doubt, it follows the herd. It follows what others like. It follows what’s popular.

But your intuition chooses only what’s good for you, not other people.

The sun rises in the East. The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate. The moon completes each cycle in 28 days.

The laws of the universe are perfect. They don’t make mistakes.

And the same energy and intelligence is running through you.

Then why do you keep on making the wrong choices?

It’s just because you’re using your mind. You’re disconnected from the intelligence inside.

The intelligence inside you is 4.5 billion years old; your mind is just as old as you.

When you start trusting that inner voice, all your problems, doubts, fears, insecurities will disappear.

When you’re aligned with your intuition, you don’t think, you simply know.


