How to Refuel as an Introvert

3 min

Master, we already know, are you serious?

Walking, reading, staring at walls, hanging out at the window. That’s it. Right?

Haha. Very clever.

Yeah all that, but there is something that no one told you about.

The most powerful way to refuel as an introvert. Something that can instantly change your whole mood. Something that can instantly make you feel calm & peaceful.

Just like a fast charger. Full battery in a few minutes.

Yes, you read that right. Few minutes.

Ready? Alright, let’s dive in.

But before that, as always, let me ask you a question.

This will help you to gain more clarity about what we’re gonna discuss in this letter.

Why do people go to therapy? What exactly does therapy do to us?

What an odd question. Don’t worry, it’s all connected.

Now you may answer, it helps us to deal with difficult mental patterns. It helps us to connect with ourselves in a healthy way. It helps us to break our destructive habits. And finally it teaches us how to cope with depression, anxiety or any kind of mental health related issues.

And I would say that’s exactly right. But you missed one very important thing.

The ‘one thing’ that actually helps us to heal.

And that one thing is this:

All therapy is nothing but strengthening the mind so we can bear the truth.


You see, overthinking, anxiety, depression, highs and lows of emotions, it’s all related to one very important aspect.

That is, all these things surface when the gap between you and the truth becomes too big.
And to fill that gap you develop all kinds of coping mechanisms.

But what exactly is this truth we are talking about here?

This truth is the answer to most of your life problems. This truth is what refuels you, heals you, and helps you live a fulfilled life.

Can you handle the truth?

I’m sure you can. Who am I kidding? You’re an introvert.

What is Truth?

Sky is blue.

What do you think? Is that a true statement?

Ok, how about this?

The Earth is round.

I want you to really think about these two statements. Do you know for sure that these are true?

You may say, absolutely sure.

Fast forward 500 years, humans develop eyes that can see the full spectrum of colors which enables us to see the sky like a rainbow.

Fast forward, 1000 years, humans discover that the earth is not round, it’s actually a rectangle.

And facts like this have changed a thousand times in the history of human civilisation.

So coming back to our question, What is truth?

The only truth, that you for sure know is true, is this very conscious present moment.




Now look around.


Yes, this is the truth.

The only truth that has never changed from the moment you took your first breath on this planet.

Truth is what is happening right now. This very moment while you’re reading these words.

Everything else is in your head. An illusion. Maya.

And when you’re unable to bear this truth, you knock on the doors of therapists, Gurus, Yogis, Doctors, and pills.

To numb yourself from this truth.

But when you can bear this truth, look it in the eye, and say,

“I can take this.”

This very truth refuels every cell in your body.

Let me explain how.

How to use Truth to refuel yourself

Facing this moment gives you the ability to bear reality the way it is.

That’s exactly what meditation teaches you. To bear the truth. To get yourself familiar with nothingness. Emptiness of life.

And some wise man once said,

Only an empty pot gets filled.

When you sit there silent with the truth, you become empty.

You experience a state of no-mind.

No thoughts, no emotion, no feelings, no action.

Just pure emptiness.

And when you become empty, the truth seeps into your very being and nourishes your soul.

Suddenly you start feeling happy for no reason. Completely relaxed and refueled.

Like a thousand pounds has been lifted off your shoulders.

That’s what therapists do, that’s what gurus teach. They give you the strength to bear the truth.

So, whenever you feel drained, sit in silence.

Without any distraction. And just be here.

Here and now.

This very present moment.

And let it flow in and heal you.

Can you handle the truth?

Trust me, you can.
