How to Stop Being Lazy

1 min

How to Stop Being Lazy

It won’t happen in a day.

There are no magic pills, spells, crystals, or spiritual practices that can teach you how to stop being lazy and transform you into Marcus Aurelius.

But yes, there is a way. There’s always a way if you want it bad enough.

You can only change it if you understand it. Everything new begins with an understanding.

And the once you understand it, you can turn it anyway you want.

Let’s now dive deep into how to stop being lazy.

Keeping it simple, laziness is a lack of will to do something.

Now understand this: The human mind will continue to ignore a task as long as it can go without doing it.

And it’s not about lack of willpower, it’s the nature of the mind to always be in a state of ease.

If ignoring something doesn’t affect your life in some way, it won’t do it.

Can we fix it?


Here’s how to stop being lazy

Your mind is a master of imagination.

If you even think about hitting the gym, going for a walk, or doing those dishes, it’ll immediately give you a reason not to do it.


Because it’s the nature of the mind to be at ease.

So make sure you don’t overload your mind.

Don’t pressure it.

Don’t try to force things.

Don’t use words like control, discipline, and stoicism.

The words you use play a huge role in how your mind reacts.

You need to remember only one thing:

Mind loves what’s easy. Mind hates what’s hard.

So feed it with words that are easy. And you’ll easily convince your mind to do what you want.

Use easy words. Less of everything.

Keep things simple. And use time. 

  • Just a 10 min walk
  • 5 min cardio
  • 7 minutes or two songs to clean my room
  • Only 35 minutes to write an article
  • Just 10 push-ups

Make everything feel like a piece of cake.

Easy breezy.

The trick is to trick the mind.

Play its cards against it.

When you get into the habit of doing those things, the subconscious will take over. Things that felt like climbing a mountain will feel like a walk in the park.

Remember never to overwhelm the mind. Don’t scare it with big words like self-control and self-discipline.

Instead charm it with simple and easy.

To conquer laziness,

stop saying “it’s hard”

and start saying,

“It’ll only take a minute.”

