How to Stop Caring what People Think

3 min

“You’re weird”
“Bruh, why don’t you say something?”
“Why are you always so quiet?”
“You should go out more.”
“Seriously you have no friends?”

Sounds familiar, introverts?

It hurts, right?

Even makes you think that there is something wrong with you. And I’m sure some of you may even believe that there is definitely something wrong with you.

You parents, your siblings, your teachers, your colleagues, not all of them can be wrong. Can they?

What if I told you they are.

Listen. Here’s the truth, they don’t know shit about you.

They don’t know who you are.

How you think
How you feel.
How you function.
How you cope.
How you drain.
How you wanna live your life.

And don’t even try to change their opinions. They have absolutely no interest in understanding you.

The bitter truth is they are full of themselves. Most people are. They don’t have the empathy to drop their egos and try to understand what you go through everyday.

And the sooner you swallow this bitter pill, the better are your chances to evolve to the highest version of yourself.

But how?

It’s so hard not to seek validation.
It’s so hard to stop caring what other people think.

It is. And I have no magic pill that can transform you into a Buddha overnight.

But what I do have is an understanding that can help you get out of this low vibration state.

Here’s how:


When you don’t know who you are, you keep on telling yourself day after day


And when you believe that you’re not enough you become dependent on other people to tell you that you are.

You don’t trust your own choices.
You don’t respect your own opinions.
You don’t believe in your own actions.

So, the first step to stop caring what other people think is self-validation.

You’ve got to believe, and mean truly believe, that you are enough.

Just the way you are.

However you look.
However you feel.
However you act.

You matter.

Your opinions matter.
Your thoughts matter.
Your choices matter.

Everything that you think and feel and do is an expression of your being.

And it matters.

It’s all about perspectives

Nothing is absolute in this world.

The wise know this and that’s what keeps them above misery and suffering.

Remember this dress?

Some people say it’s Golden, some people say it’s Blue.

Who is right?

It’s not the dress, it’s about what your eyes see.

What you see becomes your truth. And that, my friend, is the secret of the universe.

No one is right, and no one is wrong. It’s all about what they see and what they believe.

Live with this truth in your heart and you’ll never again care about what other people think.

Because in your heart you’ll know, it’s just their perspective. That’s all.


And above all do what makes you happy

Sounds so simple, but we all struggle to follow this profound statement.

And the reason for that is overthinking.

Should I stay at home or go out to the party?
Should I reply back now or later when I feel comfortable?
Should I quit my job or keep on working at a place that’s draining my soul?

Now you may argue,

I wanna stay home, but I don’t want to hurt their feelings.
I wanna reply back later, but they may not like it.
I wanna quit my job, but I have a family and need to pay the bills.

Here’s the truth – YOU DON’T KNOW.

Do you?

The universe rewards you when you put yourself first. How can you know when you haven’t even tried.

You’re stuck in the imaginary world of what if’s and but’s.

And trust me when you start putting yourself first, the whole reality conforms to what you want.

The universe loves you unconditionally. And it wants you to live in abundance & happiness.

So for once, do what makes YOU happy. And you will be surprised how wrong you were.

Leave behind all the regrets and failures of the past.

And enter this new year with a new you.

I wish you the very best.

Merry Christmas,
Love & blessings

– Master
