How to Stop Overthinking as an Introvert

3 min

Thoughts are like visitors, let them come and go.

I love that statement. So wise. So deep.

But, does it work?

It isn’t that easy. Right?

Introverts are thinkers. They live in their heads.

Overthinking is a natural byproduct of deep contemplation.

But sometimes, it can get too much.

When you’re in the middle of that storm of thoughts, nothing works.

You keep on thinking and thinking and thinking. Going around in circles. Over and over again.

And you wonder… is it ever going to stop????

Trust me, I’ve been there. But I figured out a way.

And today you, too, will learn how to get yourself out of such a storm.

Let’s do an experiment.

I want you to imagine what exactly goes on when you are overthinking about something.

What exactly is your mind doing to you?

It shows you images of certain circumstances. Bad circumstances. With negative outcomes.


Okay, now let’s dive in a little deeper.

It’s not the circumstances that you’re afraid of, it’s something else.

What is it?


Think harder.

What do you fear?

Loss? Pain? Suffering?

Nah. It’s not that either.

Think again.

It’s something much deeper. Something ingrained in your body.

Something very primal.

And trust me, once you understand what it is, you can teach yourself to stop overthinking instantly.

Alright, no more games. Let me reveal what it is.

How you feel is not because of bad circumstances, fear, or pain, it’s because of the instinct of survival.

Let me give you a few examples that’ll clear things out.

  • You lost your job, you’re overthinking, the instinct of survival kicks in.
  • You get a feeling your partner is going to leave you, the instinct of survival kicks in.
  • You start a new business, you lose a few thousand, the instinct of survival kicks in.

The most powerful law of nature is SURVIVAL.

And it’s ingrained in each and every cell of your body.

Whether it’s money, jobs, relationships, you associate everything with survival.

In a situation of life and death, people are able to do extraordinary things. Things that are humanly impossible. That no science can explain the reason behind it.

What do you think gives them the power to accomplish such things?

It’s their instinct for survival.

And the understanding of this profound law of nature can help you stop overthinking instantly.

Let me explain how to use it in your daily life.

The epic mindset shift

Facts first – you cannot stop it.

Your survival instinct is there for a reason. And no matter what, it will kick in when needed.

But, using your intelligence and understanding, you gain a certain level of control over it.

This is what I call the epic mindset shit. A change of perspective.

To look at things in a different way.

Here’s how.

Whenever you find yourself overthinking about anything in your life, do this:


STEP 1: Still you mind

Calm down. Breath.

Things are not as bad as you think.

You have to be aware that you are thinking about it. It’s still in your head. It’s not reality yet.

This awareness alone is enough to get you out of your mental spirals and connect you back to this present moment.

Deep breaths.

Perfect now you are here.

Let’s jump to step 2.


STEP 2: Mindset shift

Think about what’s the worst that could happen.

I want you to consciously pin-point it. This is the most important step.

Because until you tell your mind specifically the worst case scenario, it will keep on thinking about a thousand negative things.

And when you have that specific worst case scenario nailed, ask yourself this question:

“Can I survive it?”

And trust me, my friend, in 99% of situations the answer is YES.

Yes, you can survive it.

Of course, you will survive it.

Look at your past. You have overcome so many things that you thought you never would.

That’s your proof right there.

And when you do that, you will instantly feel a sense of calm.

You will 100% stop overthinking.

Because you have closed all the open loops.Because you have closed all the open tabs.Because now you have that knowing that you’re gonna be okay.

You’re going to survive.

And that, my friend, is the end of the storm.

I hope this mindset shift helps you to overcome overthinking and helps you live a peaceful life.

