How to Survive any “Social Situation” as an Introvert

2 min

For introverts, social situations can be nightmares.

You know what I’m talking about. Crowds, parties, jobs, school, team events and everything that has more than two people in it.

Trust me, it drove me mad. I just wanted to be alone. But that’s a big problem.

Look. Whether you’re in school, college, working at a job or running a business, you have to interact with people at some point. You can’t just lock yourself up 24/7.

And after years of anxiety, panic attacks, and long meditation sessions, I finally figured it out.

And then everything changed…

Every social situation felt like a walk in the park. You can get in and get out. And when you come back to your safe place, you won’t even remember if anything happened.

That’s how powerful it was.

I call it the ALIEN MODE.

What is alien mode and how it can help you survive any social situation

Let me ask you a question.

Why do you feel so drained after a party?

Even if you had fun & danced your heart out, you still want to be left alone for a little while.

You see, it’s not the party or people that drain you, what drains you is when your emotions are engaged.

That’s your nature. To pay attention. To fully immerse yourself in the conversation. To give your all to every interaction you make.

And that’s what drains you. Because there are just too many people to pay attention to.

Imagine if your internet router is connected to many devices. Many phones and laptops at the same time. What’s gonna happen?

Slow speeds.

Because there’s just not enough speed to feed all the devices.

It’s the same when you’re interacting with too many people. It’s all about energy and bandwidth and frequencies. We are the same.

And this is where Alien Mode comes into the picture.

Alien mode gives you the power to protect your energy.

Here’s how it works

Imagine you’re an alien who just landed your spaceship on earth. And you’re just exploring around.

You don’t know any language.
You don’t understand anything when people are interacting with you.
Making different facial expressions.
Speaking in different tones.

You know none of that.

What now?

When you shift your mindset and start observing the world with a POV of an alien – your constantly thinking & analyzing mind STOPS.

You see as an introvert, you’re naturally empathetic. And when you are in a social situation, your empathetic nature forces you to open up. And when you open yourself up, you start absorbing all kinds of energies. And some of them are low vibration which can drain you beyond words.

Enter Alien Mode.

So imagine you’re at a party, you’re talking to all kinds of people, but remember you’re an alien. You have no reason to understand or connect with them.


And this mindset shifts something inside you.

You actually start enjoying it without feeling the need to connect. And when your emotions are not engaged, you don’t feel drained.

You come back your your spaceship (home) and say to yourself,

“Meh! That was ok.”

And go back to normal.

And I’ll be honest, it’s not easy at the beginning. Because you’ve been operating like that for so many years. Engaging your emotions has become an integral part of you.

But once you start practicing Alien Mode, you’ll start seeing the difference.

So, whenever you find yourself with a chatty cashier, a gas station attendant, or a sales woman at the store, observe without engaging.

Just pause for a moment and mentally say to yourself

“Activate Alien-mode”


You’ll literally feel a protective shield around you. Like an orb of white light.

And you’re inside it all protected and nodding and smiling.

And remember you’re not being mean, you’re not being selfish, you’re just protecting your energy. And that’s okay.

You’ll engage & enjoy, but you will not be emotionally taxed.

Whether you’re with a family of extroverts, at your job, group activities at school, or anything that feels like sucking the life out of you.

Remember only two words: Activate Alien-mode.

And zooooop, you’re outta there like a spaceship disappearing into the sky.

