Hypnotic Personality Guide for Introverts

4 min

Some people can put you under a spell.

Like magicians. You know they are tricking you. But you just can’t catch them.

Or like a famous rock star on stage. Half naked. Torn jeans. Hair like they haven’t had a shower since the Middle Ages. But damn their vibe hits you different.

Actors on screen. Motivational speakers on TedTalks. Spiritual gurus in retreats.

There’s something about them. Something hypnotic. That pulls in your attention.

It’s attractive. Graceful. Magnetic. Charismatic. Sexy.

But how do they do it?

At first, I thought it was just because they were famous. I was dead wrong.

When I finally figured it out….  holyyyyy heavens!!!!

It blew my brain away.

Here’s why.

The George Clooney Effect

George Clooney is one of the most charismatic men on the planet.

There’s no question he’s won the “World’s Sexiest Man Alive ” title more than anybody else.

There’s a comedy bit on the Jimmy Kimmel talk show called ‘celebrities read mean tweets’.

Famous celebrities read mean tweets about themselves. And give their reaction. It’s hilarious.

One evening,  I was watching these clips on YouTube.

All these celebrities reacting in all kinds of ways. It was fun.

But then came George.

And here’s what he read:

“If that gross ratty old man George Clooney can find a girl… you regular fellas out there in the Twitterverse must be drowning in pu**y.”

He looks up at the camera. Puts up a big smile. And nods.

That’s it.

No words. No reaction. No getting back at the person. No nothing.

Now this is the important part. Pay careful attention.

So… There were these other celebrities reacting and cursing and getting offended and defending themselves.

And then, suddenly, there comes a person who doesn’t react at all.

We were expecting him to react. We were waiting for him to say something.

But he gives you nothing. Nothing…

He breaks the pattern. He breaks the norm. He breaks our brain’s prediction system.

And that’s what creates a hypnotic effect.

Let me explain.


The Psychology of a Hypnotic Personality 

Our brain is a prediction machine.

When you’re watching a murder mystery, your brain tries to predict the killer.

Would you enjoy the movie if you could predict who’s done it? God no!

But think about what happens when our predictions turn out to be wrong.

We feel what Aristotle described in his book ‘Poetics’ as Anagnorisis.

A point where you recognise or discover a character’s true identity or true nature.

That’s what gives you that moment of Awe. That inner sense of satisfaction.

And you can feel only when your predictions go wrong.

Now, let’s apply this concept to human behavior.

Human brain craves novelty. An element of surprise.

Spontaneity. Serendipity. Shock.

When you’re predictable, people find you boring.

Because they already know what you’re about.

Can you listen to the same joke twice and still laugh like you did the first time? No.

Because you already know the punchline.

There’s nothing new about it.

Your brain can predict the end.

That’s why unpredictability hypnotises you. Instantly.

Because it makes the other person go…

“Damn! You’re different!”

Because you broke their brain’s prediction system. And their expectations.


8 Things that give off a Hypnotic Vibe


To give off a hypnotic vibe, do the opposite of what majority of people do.


1. Dress in Black 

Most people like to dress up in different colours. Do the opposite.

Go minimal.

Black is a color of mystery. It absorbs all the other colors.

People in black are naturally perceived as more mysterious and dominant compared to people wearing other colors.


2. The Peacock Effect

Most people wear a lot of things to attract attention. Do the opposite.

When a male peacock wants to attract a female, it spreads out its feathers.

To create a hypnotic effect, you need “One Peacock accessory” that draws attention.

But keep in mind that overdoing it may create a completely opposite effect. Less is more.

Choose just one. And make sure it stands out.

Examples: A hat, a watch, a bracelet, a neckpiece, a ring, etc.


3. Talk slow

Most people talk in a rush. Do the opposite.

Don’t rush. Listen, pause, think, and then reply. Or don’t reply at all.

Silence can drive the attraction meter to the Max.


4. The Park Bench Effect

Most people feel anxious in a public setting. Do the opposite.

Imagine yourself on a park bench. Relaxed. Calm and comfortable. Wherever you are.

Think about your body language. It’s relaxed and open. Feel that?

Totally carefree. Still. Nonchalant vibe.

No matter where you are, be on that calm vibe.


5. Avoid talking too much about yourself 

Most people just talk about themselves. Do the opposite.

Ask questions. But when you’re asked, be vague.

Keep your opinions, beliefs, and personal life private.

People get more curious about what they don’t understand. It drives them crazy.

The less they know, the more they obsess.


6. Keep a Poker face

Most people react when something upsets them. Do the opposite.


No matter what happens, keep your composure. People will go nuts about you.


7. Be Unavailable 

Most people are easily available. Do the opposite.

Absence grows attraction.

The less available you are, the more valuable you’re perceived to be.

And when you show up, people swarm around you like flies.

And will think about you when you’re not there.


8. Never complain, Never explain 

Most people complain and explain. Do the opposite.

Be stoic. Indifferent.

Don’t complain when things go bad. Be non-reactive.

And never overexplain when you’ve committed a mistake. Say sorry, and leave.


Now I want you to think about all these 8 things together,

You will realise that every attractive, charismatic, and hypnotic person you’ve ever met or seen or heard about has one, two, or all of these traits.

It’s because these things make you stand out.

Most people do the opposite. They follow the herd. Mass mentality.

But you break social patterns. You break their expectations and predictions by doing the opposite.

By being different.

Adopt these to your behavior and personality.

And trust me, people will not stop chasing you.

