Stop Working Hard, Instead, Do This

3 min

Have you ever felt like you’re working hard, but the results never meet your expectations?

And then you tell yourself:

“Ah, that’s what I deserve.”

“Maybe I’m not good enough.”

“Guess, I need to work harder.”

And as an introvert, with your ever thinking mind, you find new ways to try again.

And let me tell you this: work however hard you want, it’s not gonna happen.

Try as much as you want to. Keep trying. Keep wasting your time. Your energy. Your resources.


And if hard work was working for you, you’d have zero interest in reading this letter.

And trust me, my friend, I would never bring up this topic.

But, I felt this information needed to be shared. I get DMs on Twitter and personal messages from the clients I coach, and they all share the same problem:

“I work hard, I give it my 100%, but still I’m not getting the results. What am I doing wrong?”

And I tell them: Everything.

Yes, they’re as surprised as you are right now.

You see, the thing is, the information that is fed to you is sooooooo polluted that it’s very hard for you to see the truth.

It’s like a fish living in a swamp searching for fresh water. It’s impossible.

What you know is corrupted to its very core. Manipulative. And it’s distributed among the masses to keep them chained. To keep you under control.

And the truth is, if you know the ways that have been kept hidden from you, you’ll never have to work hard in your life.

Let me explain.

Let’s boil some water

Imagine water in a kettle.

Now when you put that kettle on a stove, what happens?

The water starts boiling. Absolutely right!

The water changes into vapor.


But, if you look at the chemistry, what you actually did was raise the vibration of the water molecules by adding heat.

You can still see the vapors, right?


Can you see sound?

Can you see electricity?

Can you see your wifi waves?

Can you see Bluetooth waves?

Why can’t you see them?

It’s because they are vibrating at a very high frequency.

The human eye can see only between the wavelengths of 380 and 700 nanometers. This is the range known as visible light.

Anything above or below those numbers is literally invisible to us.

In the same way, your ‘thought’ is also matter vibrating at a very, very, very high frequency. That’s the reason it has no shape or form. You cannot see them.

But just like vapors can be condensed back to water by cooling them, in the same way, thoughts can be transformed into tangible things. It can be given shape and form.

Or, to put it simply in the words of Buddha:

Thoughts become things.

But how?

No more hard work

I saw a pattern. And this pattern was everywhere.

All the old holy texts, scriptures, religious, and spiritual works share something in common.


Budda said: “Thoughts become things.”

The Kybalion says: “The ALL is Mind; the universe is mental.”

The Holy Gita says: “The supreme lord is everything, and everything is him.”

The Upnishads say: “All this—whatsoever moveth on the earth—should be covered by the Lord.”

The Bible says: “And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”

Tao Te Ching says: “The unnamable is eternally real.”


They all point toward something that is right in front of you, but we all remain blind to it.

There is something that creates this world, it cannot be seen, heard, or felt, but it can only be used.

That something is your own THOUGHT.

People don’t believe it because it’s so simple. And the mind says:

“How can it be soooo simple? It has to be complicated, I have to work hard.”

It’s not complicated.

I’m not saying you can sit on your couch thinking all day and things will just appear out of thin air in your living room.

You’d have to perform some action, but that action will feel completely effortless.

It  would feel like you were breathing.

Like you walk.

Like you eat.

You’d never get the “feeling” that you’re working hard.

Here’s how to do it

You have to bring your thoughts from that high-vibration state to a low-vibration state.

Like the molecules of that kettle, this phone, and a notebook, they’re all solids, and you can see them, feel them, and hold them because their molecules are in low vibration.

And if you raise their vibration, it will change their form.

In the same way, you too can change your thoughts into things through the instrument called F O C U S.

To focus and define exactly what you want. Be as specific as you can. Be as detailed as you can.

But, wait.

That’s just half of the picture; the other half depends on emptying yourself.

Don’t let anything else influence you.

Block ideas.

Block opinions.

Block suggestions.

Eliminate everything that’s likely to become a distraction.


You have to narrow down your focus like a laser beam on just what you want in your life.

And when you do this, you start giving shape and form to that thought. It starts becoming your reality.


Like the HEAT converted that water in the kettle into vapor by raising the vibration of the water molecules.

FOCUSED ATTENTION will convert your thoughts into things by lowering the vibrations of your thoughts.


It really is that simple.

All you need is belief.

All you need is an open mind.


And finally, all you need is to experiment and see it for yourself.

