The Introvert Success Secret

3 min

Okay, dear introvert, take a wild guess.

What can be the secret?

Work hard
Focus on a few things
Be consistent
Believe in yourself
And all that Jazz…

You know what I’m talking about. The old worldly wisdom.

But, why doesn’t it work for you?

You know all about it.
It’s simple enough to follow.

But why do only a few people rise to the top?
What are they doing that is so special?

Today I will reveal a secret that will completely turn your life around.

It will not only bring you success in your career but in all parts of your life.

But before I reveal it to you let me ask you a simple question. And be very honest.

Are you in alignment with what you value?

For example,

Let’s say you value being authentic, but are you?
You value having boundaries, but do you have them?
You value lots and lots of alone time, but do you spend it?

As an introvert, the greatest obstacle between you and success is this misalignment .

And today’s success secret will help you align back and transform you into the highest version of yourself.


What’s stopping you

You are not afraid.
You are not under any kind of pressure.
You are not being forced by anyone to act opposite of who you are.

Then why do you keep on doing it? Over and over and over again.

The answer is your programming.

If a car in a game is programmed to only go left. It’s impossible to make a right turn. No matter how many left turns you try.

In the same way, introverts are programmed to believe that there is something wrong with them.

“Why don’t you talk to your cousins?”
“Why are you always in your room?”
“Why don’t you go outside?”
“Why don’t you ever call?”
“What is wrong with you?”

Silence, solitude, alone time are seen as evil.

The constant nagging, and taunting, and complaining have left deep scars in your mind.

And my dear friend, the only way to heal those scars is to:


Teach yourself to not pay attention to things that don’t matter.

Have mental filters that keep out everything that:

Drains you
Lower your vibe
Make your feel weak
Triggers your anxiety

This will give you peace. Clarity of mind. And most importantly the focus to pay attention to what matters.

And when you are stable, centered and unapologetically you, you rise up into a higher dimension I call: THE ZONE.

Now let me explain how you can use this success secret in your life.

The Zone

Take a long deep breath. Do it.

Now pay attention.

Imagine what would happen if you slowed down your life 50%.

You wake up in the morning. No rush to check your phone. No hurry, no anxiety.
You sat up taking deep breaths. Looking around the room.

And then you get up, grab a bottle of water, sit near a window, balcony or any open space, and slowly drink the water sip by sip. Taking in the morning sun, air and the sky.

You make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee. And just wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and enjoy your drink.

Attention still focused on your breath.

How do you feel? Don’t think. Just focus on the feeling. How would you feel if you actually did all the things you just read.

Slow. Peaceful. Stable. Clarity.

That state is called the ZONE.

This is a higher dimension.

A dimension of limitless wisdom, ideas, creativity, and intelligence.

But most of your day is spent disconnected from this higher state.

You’re insecure.
Thinking about other people.
Seeking validation.
Feeling you’re not good enough.
And worst of all trying to act like an extrovert.


That’s the first step of success.

I know this advice is opposite of everything you’ve seen and heard in the world.
Because everyone out there is screaming:

Go do this
Go do that
Change this
Change that

But, trust me my friend, you already are whole and complete.

Changing yourself is like questioning God’s creation.

Telling yourself I’m not good enough and making an effort to change is like telling Nature – I know better than you.

The only change your need to make is to let go of all fear and fully embrace yourself.

And once you do, I promise, the world will feel like it has started to revolve around you.

Because now you have come in complete alignment with the whole universe.

You have removed all the separation between you and the universe.

Now you have become the universe.

Now you’re in the ZONE.

One with everything. In perfect alignment and magical harmony.

And this connection, alignment and harmony is the secret of success.

The same place from which:

Newton discovered gravity
Mother Teresa found compassion
Einstein invented theory of relativity
Dostoyevsky wrote ‘Brothers Karamazov’

The introvert’s secret is to always remain connected to the Zone.

And whenever you find yourself drifting away from this state, come back.

And when you’ve practiced coming back over and over again.

The zone will become your default state.

And that day, my friend, you’ll have the power to achieve anything in this world.
