The Most Powerful Secret to Make Better Decisions

2 min

The Most Power Secret to Make Better Decisions

We suffer because we can’t choose.

Too many choices. Too many options. How to know what is right for you.

How to make better decisions, understand people and get their vibes right?

You read, ask experts, watch YouTube, but it confuses you even more.

You wish there was someone who could help you choose. Help you make the right decision.

Help you when you’re confused.

What if I told you don’t need any help. That you’ve been sleeping all your life with a superpower so great, it’ll blow your mind.

Let me explain.

The sun rises from the east everyday. The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate everyday. The moon cycles happen every 28 days.

The laws of universe are perfect. They don’t make a mistake. Now the same intelligence and energy is running through you.

Then why do you keep on making mistakes?

Why can’t you know what to do?

Why are you so confused all the time?

Because you use your intellect. When you have to choose, you use your collected facts, 100 mental models, rules books, and popular opinions. You’re limiting your intelligence.

Stop doing that!

All famous scientific inventions, insights and technologies have come to people in dreams or in states of relaxation.

None of them could explain how it happened. They said it just came to them from beyond.

The place of super-intelligence. The limitless oceans of wisdom.

You’re always connected to that limitless ocean.

It’s always there. Always present for you to use it. But you’re blinded by the things in your head.

You can’t see the truth, you can’t decide because you know too much. Or you think you know.

Stop trying. Let go.

A tiny seed grows into a huge tree. Without effort. Without knowledge. It knows how to grow.

And you know it too.


Here’s the secret to make better decisions: 

Whenever you need to make a decision, or whenever you’re confused between choices, first you need to calm down.

Sit quietly, close your eyes and think about your choices.

Now don’t start judging them. Don’t start looking at pros and cons, long and short term benefits.


Simple watch them.

I’ll give you a very simple example:

Let’s say you want to change your twitter dp.

You zeroed down to two pictures. You like them both. Both look perfect. You ask friends and they have their own opinions.

You get more confused. And have a bad headache.

The more you search for answers outside of yourself, the more confusion it created in your mind.

Now, sit quietly.

Too many ideas are swirling around in your mind. Colors, professionalism, size, aesthetics, face, brand and a hundred others things.

Forget everything. Close your eyes and imagine both the pictures. And focus on your feeling, not thought.

No thinking about what’s popular right now, what your best friend suggested, what your guru says.

Drop all that.

Now, one of the pictures will give you a feeling that will come up from your belly.

It won’t have any words, any reason to be better.

Just a pure feeling. And in that moment you’ll know.

While the other will remain on the periphery of your mind, but won’t touch your heart.

That’s the intuition at work. You just know.

It’s that simple.

You don’t have to go through hundreds of calculations and analysis to reach a conclusion.

You make a jump. From problem to solution. Without any steps.

It’s a state of no-mind.

A state in which your conscious, subconscious and unconscious participate together to make that decision for you.

A state where you don’t think, you just know.

