The One Insight that can Completely Turn Your Life Around

3 min

Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in a circle?

You keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

And as an introvert, there is no doubt that you constantly reflect on it.

Trying to figure out the How’s and the Why’s.


No matter how much you think about it.
No matter how many ways you try to fix it.

It always comes back.

And after trying hundreds of remedies, you have started to get this subtle feeling that there’s no way to fix this.

But, there is a way.

And today, if you pay careful attention, empty your mind, and absorb what I’m going to explain in this letter.

I can promise you, you will get out.

The nature of life

The Sun moves in circles.
The Earth moves in circles.
The Moon moves in circles.

What makes you think you won’t? We are nothing but a smaller part of that same system.

But, there’s something deep we miss.

We don’t move in circles, we move in SPIRALS.

And how do spirals move?

They move in circles, but they go deeper.

Life moves in spirals. And life will keep on bringing you the same test, over and over again, until you pass it.

The path is not a straight line, my friend, it’s a spiral.

Which simply means: You continually come back to the same things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.

Read it again.

Your whole life is nothing but a lesson.

Life is the greatest teacher. Wisest master. And the highest guru.

But, you are sleeping. You don’t pay attention. You’re so engrossed in the illusion that you miss the insight.

The nature of life is to spiral you deeper and deeper into the direction that YOU choose.

Now what is this direction we are talking about here?

Let me explain with an example.

Tom was an alcoholic.

He started drinking when he was 19.

His whole social life revolved around drinking. Every occasion was just an excuse to drink.

Lesson1: Tom was climbing down some stairs and his foot slipped. Tom hurt his head. No big deal. Tom was drunk.

Lesson 2: Tom was walking down the street at night and ran into a group of young men. He could have apologised and walked away, but decided to punch one of the guys. He was beaten badly. Tom was drunk.

Lesson 3: Tom was driving back home from a party. And suddenly he experienced a black out and got into an accident. He remained in the hospital for 2 weeks. Tom was drunk.

Lesson 4: Tom had his second accident. Tom was drunk.

Lesson 5: Tom cheated on his wife. His wife found out. Tom was drunk.

Lesson 6: Tom was drunk..

Lesson 7: Tom was drunk…

Lesson 8: Tom was drunk, drunk, drunk…

Life was teaching, but Tom was drunk.

Life was moving Tom deeper and deeper into the spiral of Tom’s own choices.

That’s what we mean by DIRECTION.

That’s why wise men say,

“Direction is way more important than speed.”

  • It doesn’t matter if you meditate only for 5 minutes daily.
  • It doesn’t matter if you manage to lose only 3 pounds in a month.
  • It doesn’t matter if you lose all your friends when you decide to quit drinking.
  • It doesn’t matter if it takes you a long time to earn profits from your own business.

What matters is: You’re moving in the right direction.

Wake up, my friend.

Observe your life. Pay attention. Be humble and learn from it.

Whenever you find yourself stuck in a spiral, it simply means life is trying to teach you a lesson.

Sit with yourself. There’s nothing in this life that cannot be resolved with deep understanding. Sit with the circumstances or situations that keep on repeating.

Bring your attention inwards. And think. As deeply as you can.

Why is it repeating?
What am I doing wrong?
What do I need to change?
When does it repeat?
When do they repeat?
How do I feel in those moments?
How do I feel after those moments are over?

Everything that happens to you is a consequence of your own actions. And it doesn’t matter if you can’t make associations between the cause and effect. The law still works.

That’s why it’s so important to be very aware of your actions. To be aware of the effects of your actions on your life.

This is real knowledge. The knowledge of the self.

This knowledge gives you the power to steer your life in any direction you want.

And then let the spiral do its work.
