The One Secret Power of Introverts

3 min

I didn’t like being an introvert. 

At first, I thought maybe there’s something wrong with me that I had to fix.

But then somehow..

After years of inner work and struggles, I learned one secret power of introverts that changed everything.

My confidence skyrocketed, I was making more money than I ever dreamt of, and I felt totally at peace with myself. A sense of accomplishment and meaning in my life. 

All because I discovered a secret called the ‘inner pointer’.

This secret led me to solve the greatest mystery of human life. 

And I’ll tell you that in a sec. 

Once you understand how to use the inner pointer, abundance just flows into your life. And it happens so effortlessly, you won’t even feel you did it. 

Imagine you have to choose between two businesses, and instantly knowing which one’s going to fill up your bank account.

Imagine having that kind of power.

To always know what’s gonna work. 

It will make you unstoppable.

But wait, why am I even sharing this powerful secret with you. 

I could package it into an eBook and sell it on Gumroad.

To tell you the truth, I don’t even know.

I just don’t want you to go through the same struggles I did. 

As an introvert, your own mind can become your biggest enemy. 

Your mind is a gift and if you don’t know how to control it, it can become a curse. 

Introverts like to think. You like to analyze, measure, compare. Nothing wrong about it. But sometimes we tend to take it too far. 

You drift away from your main thing and end up into unknown spirals. And this can really take a toll on your mental health. 

Thinking needs energy. And the more you overthink, the more you’re drained. 

And I was drained beyond words. 

I started to get this intense desire to figure out a system to choose what’s right for me without spending much effort and energy. 

And that intense desire led me to discover this crazy tool.

And perhaps the greatest secret tool for an introvert called the INNER POINTER.

And this will help you solve the greatest mystery of life: how to choose what right for you.

Let me explain. 


The superpower of introverts : The Inner Pointer

Imagine this inner pointer like a compass. 

This inner pointer is in your gut. Everyone has it. But introverts are more tuned for it.

The pointer needle has two options: STRONG & WEAK

Now let me show you how it works. 

I want you to read the words below. One by one. And after reading one word, take a mental note whether you felt Strong or Weak. 


Ready? Let’s go.

  1. Elon Musk 
  2. Broccoli
  3. Sugar
  4. Gym
  5. Porn
  6. Adolf Hitler
  7. Mahatma Gandhi
  8. Green tea
  9. Cigarettes
  10. An apple

Now if you’re paid attention to your feelings, I’m sure that you felt 


Strong for: Elon Musk, Broccoli, Gym, Mahatma Gandhi, Green tea, and Apple

Weak for: Sugar, Porn, Adolf Hitler, Cigarettes


The secret is that everything is energy. And everything is in a state of vibration.

And because you are also vibrating, things in your environment can have two effects on you:

  1. Raise your energy (Strong)
  2. Lower your energy (Weak)

Examples of things that can raise your energy:

Watching good movies, sunlight, looking at a piece of art, listening to your favorite music. 


Examples of things that can lower your energy:

Hanging out with toxic people, spaces without sunlight, junk food, watching porn. 


As an introvert, you have access to this inner pointer 10x more than other people. 

All you need is to be a little aware of how you feel. The more in touch you are with your own emotions, the better will be your judgment.

But make sure you use this tool with great care. It only gives you the true results when your intentions are pure towards yourself and others. 

If you’re using it to harm yourself or manipulate others, this will NOT work. 


How to use the inner pointer: 


Using this is very simple. 

Whenever you are making a choice, whether in your thoughts or in real life, about:

– Job

– Friend

– Relationship

– Food

– Business

– Music

Just ask yourself: “Do I feel strong or weak.”


When something has love and pure intentions in it, it will always make you feel strong and raise your energy. 

A painting made by an artist

A product made by a dedicated craftsman

Food cooked by your mom, or someone who loves you

Things like these will always feel right. You will never think twice about them. 


But the things that contain impure intentions, things that are solely made for profit, that lack any kind of love, will instantly lower your energy.

Fast foods

Friends who only call you when they need something

Porn & Music videos with half-naked girls and dirty words


You feel the pointer reaching the extreme end of WEAK.


That’s all about it, dear introvert. 

Use this secret power to live a better life. 

You can always trust this inner pointer to help you choose what’s good for you. 

It’s the divine inside you. And it has no reason to lie to you. Always remember that.

