The Psychology of Failure (And How to Overcome it)

3 min

There is a hidden secret in all your failures.

Take a guess?

What is it?

A lesson?
An insight?

Nah, that’s just surface talk.

And this is a newsletter for introverts. And introverts don’t do surface. They dig until they can dig no more.

But, there’s a problem.

When introverts face failures, they tend to overthink it. They can’t help it.

And sometimes you may end up being too hard on yourself. Blaming yourself for it.

Thinking you’re not “good enough”.

And jumping into a spiral of negativity.

But, I promise you, today, it will end.

So let’s start digging into: ‘why do we fail?’

So it goes like this, whether it’s a relationship, your work, or just plain life stuff, the pattern remains the same:

Everything is going great.
You are enjoying every moment of it.
You’re in a constant state of flow.
You’re having fun & dance.

And suddenly, out of the blue, something hits you. And you come rolling and crashing down the hill.

Life feels lifeless. Dull. Unbearable. The party is over.

The good times are followed by a long spell of sadness, lows, anxiety, depression and all those blues.

Loss after loss.
Failure after failure.

Nothing makes sense.

But you try. Desperately. Like a fish without water.

You use reason.
You use logic.
You use math.
You use statistics.
You use patterns.

But nothing makes any sense. Nothing can put the pieces of the puzzle together.

And finally, you ask yourself the dreaded question:

“What the hell did I do wrong?”

And when you ask that question, honestly, genuinely, that’s when the secret starts revealing itself.

A secret so powerful that it can transform all your failures into a higher-dimension growth cycle.

Let me explain.

The higher dimension growth cycle

99% of people see life as a linear progression of events.

A happened, then B, then C, so on and so forth.

But, that’s not how things work.

Let’s suppose you are at a certain point in your life right now. Let’s call that point ‘A’. And, you want to reach a goal a year from now, let’s call that point ‘K’.

Now your 1 year journey from A to K may look something like this:

  • A happened
  • B happened
  • C didn’t happen
  • C didn’t happen, which made D happen.
  • D happened.
  • D made E, F, G happen
  • E didn’t let H and I happen
  • I didn’t happen so J happened.
  • H didn’t happen so K happened.

Where A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K are events in your life.

You can try as hard as you can, but it’s nearly impossible to make sense of how these events are associated with each other. How they compliment each other or how they resist each other.

Only when these events become your past, and only when you’re completely detached from them, do they start making sense.

But when you’re going through these events, they may drive you totally insane.

It takes you to your goal for sure. But the path your life takes to reach that goal is beyond our understanding.

The path lies in a higher dimension. You cannot control it. You can only control the cause, not the effect. And the path is a result of the effect.

The secret

You have two choices when you face failures in your life:

1. Resist it, fight it, try to change it.
2. Accept it as God’s will and keep flowing.

And trust me, I’ve spent at least 25 years of my life practicing choice No.1. And I gained absolutely nothing out of it except misery, suffering and failures.

But when I decided to surrender and let things flow naturally, it changed my life.

I was aligned to the ‘WAY’.

Or as Lao Tzu described as the ‘TAO’.

When a tree loses all its leaves in the fall, it doesn’t cry about it. Because it’s totally aligned with nature. It knows its a phase. Temporary.

It will pass.

And no one said it better than Lao Tzu in ‘Tao Te Ching’:

When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.

When people see some things as good, other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.

Long and short define each other.

High and low depend on each other.

Therefore, the Master acts without doing anything.

And when her work is done, she forgets it.

That is why it lasts forever.

In the same way, failure is nothing but a stepping stone to the next phase.

In the higher dimension, the path has already been laid. All you need is to let go and trust your intuition.

Don’t try to control.
Don’t try to find clever ways to fix it.
Don’t try to force round pegs into square holes.

Don’t “try”.

Let go.

If I had to put all my insights and life experience in one word, it would be: Acceptance.

Good, bad, ugly, beautiful.

Accept everything just the way it is.

We’re in a constant state of change. Nothing is permanent. Nothing will last forever.

Accept whatever comes your way and you’ll never know failure again.

Because everything is part of the higher dimension growth cycle.

Because everything that happens to you happens for a reason.

And above all, everything is rigged in your favour.

And failure is nothing but a bridge between you and your destination.

