The Psychology of Introverts

2 min

No. It’s not what you think.

No, it’s not about personality types either.

And definitely not about Twitter’s favourite babies “10 Introverts Psychology hacks that will change your life.”

Now wait. Before I roll up the curtain and begin the show, let me ask you a question.

“Who are you?”

Ever gone that deep?

You have a name.
A body.
A job title.
A family title.
Man, woman, teenager.


You are a soul, spirit, being, and all that.

Fine, what else?


Okay, what do you think makes a dog a dog?

It’s friendly.

The way it’s programmed by nature. That’s what makes a dog a dog.

In the same way, what makes you you is how you naturally are. The way you naturally operate.

And how do introverts naturally operate?

By being alone.
All by yourself.
Observing. Thinking. Reflecting.

That is your default state. The way nature designed it for you.

That is who you are.

Hope we have that clear now. Now let’s get to the main thing.

The psychology of introverts

Your mind has been conditioned by society beyond your imagination.

And it’s so deep that without a few years of inner work, it’s impossible to free yourself.

Any kind of pain, emptiness, lack of fulfilment you feel is the result of this conditioning.

You have been taught to act like extroverts. Because that’s what is accepted by society as normal. And anything that’s not in line with that is labeled as weird, crazy, social awkwardness, or insecurity.

So, to come out of this situation and live a life that you’re proud of, you have to pull yourself out of this deep conditioning.


By understanding your own psychology.

By digging deep inside your own mind and understanding your own default state.

And by finally aligning all your thoughts, emotions, and actions with that default state.

“Yeah, yeah, I know all that, but how?”

Here’s how.

Follow your natural tendencies

What’s that?

To put it simply, doing things that feel natural.

  • Doing things that don’t make you cringe.
  • Doing things that don’t give you any kind of stress.
  • Doing things that don’t trigger your anxiety.
  • And by doing things that you don’t have to think twice.

Seriously, the human mind is so sophisticated that it takes only a fraction of a second for you to decide if something is good for you or bad for you.

Think about the last time you were invited to a party?

What was your first reaction?

“I don’t wanna go.”

You felt something in the pit of your stomach. Didn’t you?

That’s your natural tendency guiding you.

And remember that, it will keep on reminding you until you make a decision.

Now if you go with it, it will go away, and you’ll feel a sense of peace instantly. Like a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

But, if you go against it, it will keep on getting heavier and heavier.

Until you return back to your place, drained to your bones.

Your psychology is your natural tendency to respond to any kind of situation.

For a dog, it’s wagging its tail as a gesture of friendliness.
For a cat, it’s moving around your legs and purring.
For a tiger, it’s going for your throat right away.

You get the idea.

The closer you live to your natural tendencies, the happier and peaceful you’ll feel.

Whenever you’re about to make a decision, always listen to that inner voice. That instinctive gut feeling.

Learn more about these natural tendencies by observing your feelings to different people, places and circumstances.

Don’t act under any kind of pressure.
Don’t act under any kind of obligation.

Act on your natural tendency.
By following your natural tendencies, you teach people how you want to be treated.

They’ll learn how what’s your default state.

That you need alone time.
That you don’t like phonecalls.
That you don’t like small talk.
That you like to be alone more than socialising.

And that’s exactly how they’ll start treating.

People want to respect your wishes, but first you gotta teach them how you like it.

