The Secret of Getting Rich You Don’t Know

2 min

Few years ago, I went to a remote island to spend a few days in isolation. 


And there learnt the greatest secret of getting rich.


The island was home to a small village of maybe 50 people. 


While taking a stroll on the beach, I saw an old man making hats.


His eyes were focused, hands moved like an old master. I was hooked watching him. 


“How long have you been making hats?” I asked.


“37 years.” he said. 


“Do you sell them?”


“No.” he said smiling.


“Why do you make them?”


He shrugged.


“I love making hats. That’s all I know. Hats.”


I was deeply moved.


I bought one and paid him double the price of any normal hat. 


True success is being able to share your genius with the world.


And in return people give you money, gifts, buy your product or sign up for your newsletter.


  • It’s building rockets and battery cars for Elon Musk.
  • It’s making everything available at your doorstep for Jeff Bezos.
  • It was making the most efficient and beautiful smartphone for Steve Jobs.


And it was making hats for the old man from the island. 


First, you have to decide what you want to share with the world. That’s step no.1. 


Without it, it’s impossible to be a success. You really have to know what your unique talent is. Only then, we can move on step no.2 , that is – How?


Marketing gurus tell you:

  • Highlight the benefits.
  • Make it stand out
  • Use great design
  • Copywriting will sell it.

And hundreds of marketing tricks & techniques that make people buy, sign up, subscribe, follow, and pay. 


But the real question you need to ask yourself is, 


Will it make them stay? 


Will it make them go nuts over your next book?

Will it make them go gaga over your services? 

Will it make them stay overnight at the store just to be the first to buy your new product?

Will it make them your true fan?


Probably not. 


You see, it’s easy to trick people. Take advantage of their innocent minds.


Use basic psychology, play with their emotions, and boom! Sold!


But, again, will it make them stay?


What makes people stay is the feeling of authenticity. 


Do you have the power to move people? 


Have you created something that has the power to transform people’s lives.


It is not just about what you create, it is about the emotions, energy, and the dedication that is put into creating it.


And if it’s real, people feel it.


And they want more of it.


It acts like a drug that intoxicates their soul.


If you put all of you into it, they will chase you to the end of the world and shower you with all the riches just to get a glimpse of what you’ve created. 


