The Secret of Self-transformation for Introverts

3 min

Do you feel powerless in the company of extroverts?

Do you feel like you have so much depth, so much so say but nothing comes out of your mouth?

Do you feel you have something extraordinary inside you but you just can’t figure out what it is?

If yes, introvert dear, today I’ll share with you a secret that’ll change your whole perspective about who you are.

Introverts are chameleons. Due to their exceptional observational skill they can match their personality to any environment. And I was one.

In my teens, I taught myself to behave like extroverts. I had no choice. That’s what I was surrounded with 24/7.

School, family gathering, parties, hangouts.

Everyone thought I was one of them, but I was only there to observe.

It was a survival instinct. When in Rome, dress like Romans. That was my mantra.

But, I was WRONG.

Acting opposite of who I was completely destroyed me from the inside. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

My face got covered in acne due to the high levels of stress I endured everyday.

I was struggling with my grades.

And I cried myself to sleep most nights.

When I wanted to be alone, I socialised.
When I needed a break, I went out.
When I wanted to be quiet, I talked until I was drained.

And worst of all, when I wanted to say no, I always said yes.

No one gave a shit about me. There was nothing special about me. I was doing what everyone else was doing. I was seen as some average guy.

Just some guy…
And after years of self-abuse my mind, body and soul couldn’t take it anymore, and I completely shut down.

I was done. For real. And forever.

Like a snake shedding its skin, I had shed my whole personality.

And that was when I felt it for the first time.

That which was boiling inside me. For years and years.

I felt the extraordinary power of being an Introvert.

The Secret of Self-transformation 

The first thing I felt was that people stopped seeing me as just an average guy.

When I embraced my true nature, people started looking at me differently.

Not only that, they even started treating me in a different way.


Because when I aligned myself to my true self, it changed my whole vibe.

When there’s conflict between what you want to do and what you are actually doing, your energy gets poisoned.

This is what causes lack of confidence. Because, you see, you’re constantly torn between two minds.

There is no unity in your being. Your mind is doing this, but your heart wants that.

This is what causes confusion and this is what results in bad life decisions. Because again you’re thinking from two selves. One that is real, and the other that you created under the pressure of society.

And this is the main reason for 99% of your problems.

So how can you change it?
How can you attain this unity inside you?
How can you stop being a false self and embrace your true self?

The secret is : Effortlessness

If you sow a Mango seed and a Rose side by side.

A Rose may blossom in a few weeks, but it may take years for the mango tree to bear fruit.

But the mango tree never tries to rush it or force it. It grows at its own pace. It’s completely aligned with its true nature.

As an introvert that’s the #1 lesson you need to keep in mind.


Your true power is being yourself.

Only when you truly and unapologetically embrace yourself, people start respecting you.

The nature of humans is such that we reject commonality and respect individuality.

The more you become you, the more powerful you become.

Because the more you become you, the more you stand out.

And the more you stand out, the more attention & respect you gain.

And it all comes down to what feels effortless.

Talking or silence?
Solitude or crowds?
Rooftops or malls?

The only question you need to ask yourself is:

“Does this feel right in my heart?”

If the answer is yes, do it.
If the answer is no, don’t.

Stop being controlled like a puppet.
Stop conforming to society.
Stop lying to yourself.

You have one life. And this is it.

Do you want to waste it living the life of others?

Or do you want to live from your heart and do the things you always dreamed of?

The power of introverts is to completely accept your true nature.

And then, you change. It almost feels like magic. You transform into a completely different being.

You start attracting everything you desire into your life. Health, wealth, peace, and a loving relationships.

And finally, you actualize your true potential as a human being.

