The Untold Secret of How to Be Successful 

2 min

Open a google tab and search: “How to be successful”


And you will find a million experts, gurus, ex-billionaires, bloggers giving you guaranteed methods to make you successful. 


Some even promise that in a week. And the time span is getting shorter and shorter. 


They give you:

  • Hacks
  • Tips
  • Proven methods
  • And some dirty little secrets from the jungles of Amazon 


Do they work? 


If they did, you wouldn’t be reading this article. 


Hacks and tips are good when you’ve already laid the foundation. When you have a solid base, a business, a product to scale your growth.


But what if you’re just starting out. 


Working with popular advice is like putting in fertilizer before you haven’t even sown the seeds. 


To become successful, you have to understand the CORE. The first principles. The root of how to build the ladder of success.


And the one secret to being super successful is your own MIND.



All these are far more important than learning 10 rules of success or 10 hacks for productivity. 


Because if you understand your own mind and find the key to tap into your own unlimited potential, there’s nothing that can stop you from being successful. 


So, how can one tap into this unlimited ocean of wisdom? 


Fundamentals of the Mind


Everything starts in your mind. 


You conceive the idea, you imagine the possibilities, you make the plans, you set the goals, and finally you take action.


But the biggest mistake most people make is that they drift away. 


Let me explain that with a simple example.


Let’s imagine you decide to go on a road trip in a self-driving car. 


You choose your destination, set up all the controls, speed, stops, and all that. 


The car starts driving. In the middle of the journey you start having doubts whether you’re heading in the right direction. 


So you ask a man at the filling station. 


He tells you about a shortcut off the road that’ll save you two days. So you follow his advise and get off the road. 


After driving the whole night you end in the middle of nowhere.


You see a house in the woods and decide to ask for help. 


The owner turns out to be a cult leader who convinces you to spend a few days with their group. 


You stay there for a couple of days and they brainwash you into joining their group.


And you end up living in the woods for two years before realizing, this is not for you. 


And that my friend is what exactly happens in real life. 


Your mind is that self-driving car. 

Your intelligence is the controls and maps that guide you to your destination.

And the cult leaders are the distraction, people, popular hacks, or anything that gets you off your path.


You already have everything you need to get anywhere you want.


You already have the intelligence to know what you want and how to get it. 


The only thing that’s stopping you is your own mind. 


Stop getting distracted. 

Stop getting manipulated. 

Stop getting influenced.

Stop following the herds.

Stop following fads.

Stop getting off the road. 


Here’s the secret: Fix your mind on ONE THING.


Choose where you want to go. 

Choose how much time you need.

Choose how you are going to get there. 


Draw a straight path and start walking. 


And I promise you, if you follow your own plan, you will reach there before time. 

