This Perspective Shift Will Change Your Life

2 min

Think about that “one thing” that you want the most in your life right now.

Yes, that thing that has been on your mind forever.

That thing, that won’t let you sleep, eat, have a moment of peace.

What if today, I told you a way to get it. And to get it without effort.

No, it’s not the law of attraction voodoo. It’s not repeating affirmations night & day. They may work for someone, may not work for you. I’ve nothing against them.

But what I’m going to reveal here works, no matter what.

But it works only on one condition: You have to be honest.

And I can guarantee, if you’re 100% honest (because that’s the hardest part), you will get it.

Ready? Let’s begin.

We all desire something.

Even Buddha had the desire to be desireless, or enlightened or whatever.

And what’s the easiest way to get something you want?


You dive deep. Read, learn, travel, experience, experiment, suffer, put in breath, blood and tears.

You go around in circles, triangles and rollercoasters.


Poof!! Nothing.

And at the end of it all you’re like

 “Maybe I don’t deserve it”

“Maybe I’m doing something wrong”

“Maybe it’s not for me”

“Maybe I should try something else.”

And that’s the end of it.

My friend, if you’ve ever been in a situation like this, what you’re going to read below will change your life.

The Perspective Shift 

Now pay careful attention.

Your outer world is ‘exact’ reflection of your inner world.

Read that again.

What you keep inside is what you see outside.

Let me give an example:

John wants to start his own business. And dreams to become a wealthy man.

And John, like any everybody else, starts “working” for it.


Here’s a peek into John’s inner world:

  • Will I make it?
  • What should I choose?
  • Elon says do what you’re passionate about.
  • Steve Jobs says do what you love.
  • Maybe I should invest in Stocks, it’ soooo easy.
  • But I want to be me, do something that’s an extension of my true self.
  • Nah, let’s just focus on making $$$.
  • That Ray Dalio ted talk changed me, I’m going to find my purpose first
  • Law of attraction, that’s it, I’ll manifest $100 million
  • I have to make a product that people love, like an iPhone or Tesla
  • To get what I want, I need to be desireless, more spiritual
  • Well, you get what you deserve, may be I don’t deserve it

3 more books, 4 more ted talks, 5 more motivational videos, 8 more inspirational quotes, and 10 more “how to start your own business” articles,

and 5 months later…

John was still where he started.

More confused, more stressed and feeling like a failure.


Because his inner world was full of confusion, and that’s exactly what he experienced in the outer world.

You don’t need MORE, you need LESS.

Clean your inner world.


By being honest. Brutally honest.

That you’ve been fooling yourself.

You’ve been lying and cheating yourself.

You’ve been running away from yourself.

And by removing:

  • Ideas
  • Opinions
  • Biases
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Old patterns
  • Competition
  • The need to “know more”

The first step towards getting what you want is to EMPTY YOURSELF.

When your inner world becomes empty, your outer world becomes calm.

And that’s when you start building your inner world from scratch.

Carefully curating it. Brick by brick.

And keeping only the things that you want to see in the outer world.

You don’t need motivation, you need fixedness of what you want.

You have to guard your mind, and protect it from getting influenced by ideas, opinions, or anything that creates confusion in your inner world. So that you don’t unconsciously attract unwanted things into your life.

So, take a week or two weeks, a month, or however long it takes,

And sit with yourself, clean your inner world and empty yourself.

And when you’re done, carefully let in only what you want to see in your outer world. It will change your life.

Inner world = Outer world

