This Truth will Make You an Unstoppable Introvert

3 min


Enough of these false promises made to yourself every year.

I will change.
I will leave my bad habits.
I will go to the gym.
I will lose weight this year.
I will quit smoking.
I will start my business.
I will not seek validation.

Who are you kidding?

Seriously, when will you stop lying to yourself?

Aren’t you tired?

You’re an introvert. You think, think, and think. But never act.

All these promises are momentary bouts of motivation. They don’t work. And you know that.

But you know what works? What can actually help you make a real change in your life.

True objectivity.

The ability to see things exactly the way they are.

Without the rose tinted glasses.
Without your personal biases.
Without your ideologies.
Without your personal perspectives.

And believe me, the moment you can see your life objectively, even for a few seconds, it can completely change your whole perception of reality.

Let me explain how.

See things the way they are

You don’t see things the way they are, you see things the way you are.

What you believe is what you see.

  • If you believe occasional drinking is okay, you’ll never be able to quit.
  • If you believe you can never quit your job, you’ll never be able to get rich.
  • If you believe you need money to start a business, you’ll never be able to start.
  • If you believe you’ll go to the gym tomorrow, that day will never come.

Your mind will give you all the proofs & reasons to support what you believe.

Your own mind keeps you blind from the truth.

Seeing things the way they are takes a lot of courage.

Truth is painful.
Truth is ugly.
Truth not sugar coated.
Truths is raw.
Truth feels like a slap on the face.

Let me give you a few examples of truth.

1. An occasional cigarette does nothing. I’ll leave tomorrow.

Truth: Cigarettes are poison rolled in paper. You’re consciously killing yourself. And also you are a nicotine addict and you won’t quit tomorrow.

2. I’m a little overweight so what. I can lose it in a month.

Truth: You’re a food addict. Have zero control over your diet. And zero self-love to get healthy and take care of yourself. And also you have a higher chance of getting a critical disease.

It hurts, right. And deep in your heart you know it’s the truth.

I understand, my friend. I’ve been in your shoes. I know how it feels.

Face the facts.

To heal yourself you’ve gotta be real with yourself.

If not now then when are you gonna do it?

Now, now, now. Not tomorrow, no next week. Now is the time to start.

Today is January 1, 2023.

Start today.

  • Wear those sneakers and go for a run.
  • Get some sun.
  • Throw away that ashtray, bongs, whiskey, and cigarette rolls.
  • Throw away all the cheese, sauce, and chips.
  • Clean your room.
  • Clean your diet.
  • Organize your life.
  • Jump in a cold shower.
  • Meditate for 20 minutes.
  • Cook a healthy meal.
  • Pick a book and learn new skills.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Start making plans for your new business.
  • Start designing your life on paper.


Life happens in the now. Everything else is just in your imagination. And you know it too.

Go out today to a stationary shop. But a new diary and a new pen.

Call that diary your SOUL INTENTIONS.

Write the truth of your heart. The things your soul wants. Describe everything in great detail.

Don’t stop. Keep on writing about all parts of your life.

The kind of house you want.
Getting healthy.
Quitting bad habits.
Losing weight.
Starting a new Business.
Income per month.
The means to earn that income.
How you want to receive that money.

You get the idea.

And then over the weeks keep adding more in depth details to these things.

The clearer you can imagine it in your mind’s eye, the easier it becomes for you to manifest it.

And then wait. Be patient. Don’t give up too soon.

The right action will arise on its own. And when it finally comes, go for it. Fearlessly. Without any doubt in your mind.

Trust the universe. Trust your own inner voice. And let it guide you.

You’ll get there.

I hope this new year gives you everything you desire.

I wish you health, wealth, wisdom, peace, and happiness.

A very happy new year.
