You are a Computer (and how to hack it)

2 min

What is a computer?

Computer = hardware + software

Hardware are the  physical components like the screen, keyboard, motherboard, cooling fan and all that.

Software is like Mac OS or Windows 10 or Linux which are used to run programs like accounting, writing code, editing videos, browsing the internet, playing games and all that.

And now here’s the important part, the hardware and the software have to work in perfect unity to run any program.

If any one of them goes out of sync, the computer crashes or is unable to run the program properly.

The computer is nothing but an image, a reflection of our own system. 

Think about this: How we could’ve come up with such a complex machine?? It’s a simplified representation of our own systems.

It’s a replica of our own body and mind. But a billion times less intelligent.

The body is your hardware.

The mind is your software. 


How to hack it to create your own reality

You are a machine that knows it’s a machine.

It’s a highly sophisticated self-learning machine that runs on patterns.

To any situation in life, there are only three ways to respond to it.

The human machine has three sources of information.

Your software is made of three layers. And everything you ever say, think, act, feel comes out as a response from these layers.

The 3 layers of conditioning:

  1. Natural
  2. Imitated
  3. Knowledge

Natural is the deepest layer. It is the information you received from your ancestors. It’s your genes, your animalistic desires like food and sex.

Imitation is the information you learn from your parents in your childhood. Things like language, tone, morality, and behavior. And it’s learnt through observation of your culture, relatives, friends, family, religion, morality, and other people’s behaviors.

Knowledge is information you learn on your own. Anything leant out of your own personal interest or curiosity. It could be through books, media, mentors, films, or influencers.

So, in any given situation, your reaction will be based on any one of  these layers.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s suppose you got into an accident, and bruised your elbow.

Possible responses:

  1. Cry (natural)
  2. Be tough and not cry (imitation)
  3. Laugh (knowledge)

All of the 3 responses are learned behaviors.

Crying is a natural reaction. You’ve repeated it thousands of times since the time you were a baby. It comes from experiencing pain.

Being tough is imitation that was learned from your father, or an uncle.

Laughing is knowledge that was learned from a philosophy book that taught you to laugh through your pains, and you’re reacting that way.

That’s it.

There is no other way you can react. Whatever be the situation, you’re stuck with these.

And only when you detach yourself from these 3 layers of conditioning and understand how they control your life, only then can you make a real change in your life.

You can have total control. You can take your life in any direction you want.


By choosing. By not being on autopilot. But not letting your emotional reactions run your life.

But instead being in total control of how you think, feel and act.

Being present, conscious thoughts and actions are the keys to creating your own reality. Keep in your mind only the thoughts of what you want to see in your reality.

It really is that simple.

